Wednesday, 25th of September.
Concert of Máquina de Trevithick, a song-fusion quartet with jazz, Latin and progressive influences. Hypnotic bass cycles with subtle developments on a drums of forceful and creative touch, a saxophone with fine line melodies as suggestive as surprising. Songs of a thousand readings, images in the lyrics and speech in the melody. A formation that has three members of the SEPLN family, Enrique Amigó (guitar and vocals, UNED), Víctor Fresno (electric bass, UNED) and Julio Gonzalo (Soprano / tenor saxophone, UNED), accompanied by Gabriel Vidanauta on drums.
Hika Ateneo 20:30, Ibeni Kaia, 1, 48006 Bilbo.
Tram Stop: Atxuri
Thursday, 26th of September.
Gala Dinner
Bistro Guggenheim bilbao
Tram Stop: Guggenheim