
Mikel Artetxe

Mikel Artetxe Zurututza receives the Best Academic Record Award in Computer Science 2014 (2014)

UPV/EHUko Informatika Fakultateko 2013-2014 ikasturteko “espediente onenari diploma” eman diote Mikel Artetxe Ixakideari.

Itziar Gonzalez-Dios

Award for the best summary of a doctoral PhD thesis in the call Txiokatu zure tesia 6 mezutan, # Txiotesia2 “Tweet you PhD in 6 messages”, organized by the Summer Basque University UEU in 2014 (2014)

The researcher Itziar Gonzalez de Dios received the award for the best summary of a doctoral PhD thesis in the call Txiokatu zure tesia 6 mezutan, # Txiotesia2 “Tweet you PhD in 6 messages”, organized by the Summer Basque University UEU in 2014, for her work on automatic simplification of texts in Basque.