Researcher position on Machine Translation

The candidate will participate in the NEL-GAITU project, whose aim is to promote multilingual language and speech technologies for Iberian languages. NEL-GAITU is part of a common and coordinated project between the different official languages of the Spanish state, called NEL (New Language Economy). The ultimate goal of NEL is the development of multilingual resources such as multilingual language models, as well as speech processing models and automatic translation systems that respond to the needs of society and are in line with current technology, in which multilingualism and the transfer between languages play a key role.

The goal of this open position is to develop multilingual machine translation models to translate between Iberian languages (Spanish, Catalan, Basque and Galician) and the most important languages worldwide (English, Arabic, Chinese, ...).

The candidate will perform the following tasks, among others:

  • Gathering and pre-processing of parallel data for all languages in the Iberian peninsula.
  • Development of bilingual and multilingual machine translation models.
  • Evaluation of the models in public and newly gathered testsets.
Job id: 

The candidate should preferably have a BSc degree in computer science, telecommunications engineering, mathematics or physics, and a MSc in language technologies and/or machine learning.

We are looking for individuals who have a strong background in computer science and related fields. Having a PhD in any of these would be highly valued. Our ideal candidate has experience in machine learning, deep learning, and statistical analysis, as well as a strong proficiency in programming languages such as Python.

The applicants must demonstrate excellent communication skills in English.

Duration of Contract: 

2 and a half years

Gross salary: 

A gross salary between 32.300 and 37.900 euros per year, depending on the candidate profile.

Starting date: 
Start date is flexible, with the choice of joining immediately.
Contact details for enquiries: 

The advisor will be Gorka Labaka. If you have any question, please do not hesitate to contact at this address: Please include the job ID when contacting us.

To submit your application please follow this link.