

Information for the presentations (papers):

  • The presentation must be recorded (maximum 12 minutes) and the link should be made available to the organization ASAP, the latest before September 8, 2021.
  • The video must be an MP4 with a 16: 9 aspect ratio, a minimum resolution of 720p, a maximum size of 200 MB and a high audio level.
  • On the day of the presentation, after the dissemination of the video, the speaker must answer the questions (5 minutes) that are made via Zoom videoconference.

Information for the presentations (projects):

  • The presentation must be recorded (maximum 8 minutes) and the link should be made available to the organization ASAP, the latest before September 8, 2021.
  • The video must be an MP4 with a 16: 9 aspect ratio, a minimum resolution of 720p, a maximum size of 200 MB and a high audio level.
  • On the day of the presentation, after the dissemination of the video, the speaker must answer the questions (4 minutes) that are made via Zoom videoconference.

Information for the presentations (demos):

  • The presentation must be recorded (maximum 7 minutes) and the link should be made available to the organization ASAP, the latest before September 8, 2021.
  • The video must be an MP4 with a 16: 9 aspect ratio, a minimum resolution of 720p, a maximum size of 200 MB and a high audio level.
  • On the day of the presentation, after the dissemination of the video, the speaker must answer the questions (3 minutes) that are made via Zoom videoconference.

Please send an email with:

  • subject: paper-video name of the person who is registered at the CEDI
  • to: sepln2021.hitz@ehu.eus
  • content:
    • YouTube link to the video
    • State if it is paper, demo or project and the email of person who is registered at the CEDI 

Please make sure that you do not exceed the required length.

For further questions do not hesitate to contact us at sepln2021.hitz@ehu.eus




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