ikastaro eta mintegiak

Generative AI, Deep Learning and Language Technology

Specialization courses by HiTZ Chair of Artificial Intelligence and Language Technology
Next edition: September-October, 2024, fully online

Espezializazio-ikastaro sail honek murgiltze osoa eskaintzen du ikasketa sakonaren, hizkuntza-eredu handien (LLM, ingelesezko "Large Language Models"-etik) eta horien aplikazio ikusgarrien arloetan. Ikastaro hauek oinarrizko printzipioetatik hasi eta metodologia aurreratuenetaraino doan espektroa hartzen dute. Esperientzia praktikoa lortzeko ikasketa-ibilbide oso bat eskaintzen dizugu, ikastaro bakoitzak barne hartzen baititu ariketa praktikoak eta kasu errealen azterketak. Ikastaro hauek adimen artifizialeko azken teknikak ulertu eta aplikatu nahi dituzten profesional, ikertzaile eta ikasleei zuzenduta daude.

2024 Informazio gehiago hemen.


Pasatako ikastaroak


  • 4Gune (2023/02/16)

The aim of the course is to provide an overview of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Big Data at the present time, with special attention to methods, areas and applications. Participants should acquire a global vision of the application areas of Artificial Intelligence, especially in their areas of interest. Identify the types of problems that Artificial Intelligence and Big Data address, and learn about some generic methods to solve them. After taking this course, attendees are expected to be able to assess the possibility of applications in their business environment.

  • Short programme AI (2023/03/21)

This short talk is an introduction to AI and NLP. We will briefly describe the history of AI and NLP, including the last and incredible advances that deep learning have brought to the field. In the talk we will briefly describe neural language models, discussing how they have revolutionized various NLP tasks such as machine translation, text generation or question answering. Additionally, we will touch upon new learning paradigms such as zero-shot and in-context-learning, which require very few training examples, if any, to adapt language models to new tasks.

  • Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing (DL4NLP)

January 2023, UPV/EHU San Sebastian. Winter version, 3 weeks, 35 hours, labs in Tensorflow.
  • Introduction to Language Technology Applications

February 2023, UPV/EHU Donostia-San Sebastian. Winter version, 5 weeks, 22.5 hours, labs with Flair, Spacy and Transformers


  • Eustat (2022/11/24-25)

More info here [es]

  • Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing (DL4NLP)

July 2022, UPV/EHU San Sebastian. Summer version, 5 days, 20 hours, labs in Keras.

January 2022, UPV/EHU San Sebastian. Winter version, 3 weeks, 35 hours, labs in Tensorflow.

  • Introduction to Language Technology Applications

July 2022, UPV/EHU Donostia-San Sebastian. Summer version, 5 days, 20 hours, labs with Scikit-learn, Flair, Spacy and Transformers

Winter 2022, UPV/EHU Donostia-San Sebastian. Winter version, 9 days, 22.5 hours, labs with Scikit-learn, Flair and Spacy


  • Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing (DL4NLP)

July 2021, UPV/EHU San Sebastian. Summer version, 5 days, 20 hours, labs in Keras.

January 2021, UPV/EHU San Sebastian. Winter version, 3 weeks, 35 hours, labs in Tensorflow.

  • Introduction to Language Technology Applications

July 2021, UPV/EHU Donostia-San Sebastian. Summer version, 5 days, 20 hours, labs with Scikit-learn, Flair and Spacy


  • Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing (DL4NLP)

July 2020, UPV/EHU San Sebastian. Summer version, 3 days, 20 hours, labs in Keras.

January 2020, UPV/EHU San Sebastian. Winter version, 3 weeks, 35 hours, labs in Tensorflow.


  • Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing (DL4NLP)

July 2019, UPV/EHU San Sebastian. Summer version, 3 days, 20 hours, labs in Keras.

January 2019, UPV/EHU San Sebastian. Winter version, 3 weeks, 30 hours, labs in Tensorflow.


  • Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing (DL4NLP)

July 2018, UC3M Madrid. Summer version, 3 days, 20 hours, labs in Keras.

January 2018, UPV/EHU San Sebastian. Winter version, 3 weeks, 30 hours, labs in Tensorflow.
